翻譯成英文,,,急,,,,唔要chinese English,,,要simple englishp

2007-03-24 9:42 pm


回答 (2)

2007-04-08 10:25 pm
一睇就知係電腦翻譯, 完全唔o岩grammar
2007-03-25 3:41 am
The human society, after using the natural resources, developing economy extremly,
It feel environmental disruption deeply it is ecological for influence power of human survival,then environmental consciousness and
The ecological child care idea rises. The fast exhaustion of the natural resources, has already exceeded its regeneration and gone back far
The ability to reply, the environmental child care has already been a very urgent mission in the 21st century. Respectively world
The people of the country, have already realized to the importance of environmental protection profoundly, has bet mental and physical efforts in the environmental protection group one after another
Establishment that is woven , formulation of the environmental protection regulation, and the means to pass international trade sanction, Israel
A ecology of checking continues being destroyed. Taiwan should be in the country after creating the economic miracle
Make the ground that competition advantage , a seat survive among border , has already not merely only strengthened enterprises to pass
Commercial base , but should focus on the work of the ecological child care , plant environmental protection in each enterprise deeply
, in each of people's heart, make it become competitiveness of enterprise and country.

Environmental child care is everybody's duty! ! Hong Kong is it set up getting green international image to want, is it become environmental protection point , environmental protection model in the world to want even more, it is the earth ecology and a responsibility to the limit of progeny descendants , the pronoun making Hong Kong green.
參考: Microsoft Word

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