
2007-03-24 7:31 pm

回答 (4)

2007-03-24 7:42 pm
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官方語言是英國英語(英語:British English)。英格蘭以外地區也有其他官方語言,例如威爾斯語(威爾斯人口的26%)、蘇格蘭蓋爾語(6萬人使用)等。世界各地移民到英國的人也講自己的家鄉語言,如孟加拉語、粵語、印地語、旁遮普語和烏爾都語。英國是印度以外說印地語人數最多的地方。



British English (BrE) is a broad term used to distinguish the forms of the English language used in Britain from forms used elsewhere.[1] It includes all the varieties of English used within Britain, including those found in England, Scotland, and Wales. Some may also use the term more widely, to include other forms such as Hiberno-English (spoken in Ireland).[2]

Although the vast majority of people in Britain speak 'British English', either as their first or a second language, the term is rarely used within Britain itself. The term is more commonly used by speakers of other dialects, such as 'American' and 'Australian' English, to describe the divergences that have developed over time between their own native dialect and that used in Britain.
2007-03-24 7:58 pm

參考: 英國的資料
2007-03-24 7:45 pm
倫敦大橋=London bridge
2007-03-24 7:41 pm
大笨鐘=big ben

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