what is programming ?

2007-03-24 4:55 pm
what is programming......

what are the basic programming.....

how can i show my code (programming language)....do i need any software to do......what is that.....

i only want short answers......thank you....

回答 (1)

2007-03-25 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Programming is simply a process to write a group instructions for computers to run.

Usually, Programming consists of three phases :

- writing source codes using programming language (e.g. C, C++, PASCAL, VB)
In this phase, you have to know how to write program in that specific language. Usually, the language are similar to English. It can simply use any text editor to do.

- compiling the source codes to the instructions that computers understand
In this phase, you must have a compiler or interupter to translate your program. Usually, each language have specific program for translation. E.g. GCC for C, G++ for C++.

- testing the programs to find any errors.
You can run the program to see if the output is produced as you think.

In reality, there are program that can manage your source code, help compile and test. E.g. Dev-C++ and Visual C++ for C and C++, NetBean and Eclipse for JAVA, QuickPascal and TurboPascal for PASCAL

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