Runescape--有lvl 43 prayer,def lvl 有冇用

2007-03-24 4:42 pm
i mean in pure magic acc
up def lvl有冇用,if got lvl 43 prayer

give some suggess plz
and tell me if u got a pure magic acc,just wanna know,not add u

回答 (3)

2007-03-24 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有lvl 43 prayer而你係pure mage既話,基本上可以升少少def lvl,因為有時d怪可以行埋閣下度打到你。不過如果閣下係上wildy既話就一定要升def lvl,因為protective prayer只會幫你減少40%俾人打中既機會,唔一定保證閣下唔俾人扣血。仲有,開prayer既時候係會減prayer points既,冇哂prayer points就要再去pray at altra,而且係用唔到protective prayer既,所以都係升d def lvl好d。

小弟冇pure mage,不過有個warrior acc,歡迎add fd:1992spock
參考: 小弟既經驗-0-
2007-04-05 6:15 am
It would be useful if you have high defence lvl as well. Remember, Prayer needs Prayer Points to run! I always like that, everytime I went player-killing, once my Prayer Point are gone, I'm done =\ I'm 73 strength but only 40 defence

Train Defence by using the spell attack style with the shield beside the spell =] that gives mage and def xp.

I have a Pure Mage acc call Dr Sedridor.
2007-03-31 11:58 pm
有lvl 43 prayer,你就可以用Protect from melee,protect from magic,protect from missle來保護自己,還有protect item可以在你死了後剩下4樣東西,還有很多prayer都很有用。不過lvl 43 prayer和def lvl並沒有關係。

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