Runescape-Better water-earth-fire blast

2007-03-24 4:32 pm
in wildy ppl killing
use pure magic acc
whats their max hit
any different??big or small??

回答 (2)

2007-03-24 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
pure mage(f2p)最好當然係用fire blast啦,最多可以打16,不過使用既rune就多d,閣下可以參考下面既資料,決定用咩blast。

Fire blast: fire rune*7, air rune*5, death rune*1,magic lvl 59可以使用,max hit 16
Earth blast: earth rune*4, air rune*3/4, death rune*1,magic lvl 53可以使用,max hit 15
Water blast: water rune*3, air rune*3, death rune*1,magic lvl 47可以使用,max hit 14

*所有spell既速度一樣,不過係wildy ppl killing既pure mage就要小心ranger,好易俾ranger剋死,而mage就最好打warrior。*
2007-03-30 6:26 am
Magic Max Hits:


Mind Rune
Air Strike - 2
Water Strike - 4
Earth Strike - 6
Fire Strike - 8

Chaos Rune
Air Bolt - 9
Water Bolt - 10
Earth Bolt - 11
Fire Bolt - 12

Death Rune
Air Blast - 13
Water Blast - 14
Earth Blast - 15
Fire Blast - 16

----------------------------------- Member only -----------------------------------

Blood Rune
Air Wave - 17
Water Wave - 18
Earth Wave - 19
Fire Wave - 20

Arena Spells (Not Charged)
Saradomin Strike/ Flame of Zamorak/ Claws of Guthix - 20
Charged - ~40

Crumble Undead (only on undead creatures) - 18
Iban Blast (member) - 20

Even if your magic level is 99, using fire blast will still only hit 16. The max hits of the magic spells are standard. (There are also Lunar Magicks and Ancient Magicks in members', but you proberly don't need... If you really need, e-mail me)

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