
2007-03-24 12:13 pm
1. 根據行規,他須要查核司機代客支付的款額,由於顧客有時付款較慢,所以他亦未能按時完成核算程序。

2. 即使有條款訂明支付薪金的日期,原告人已經免除對方準時發薪的要求。

3. 雙方議定的發薪日期為下月終, 他只是提早支付薪金。

4. 雙方沒有訂明固定的發薪日期。


回答 (3)

2007-03-24 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 根據行規,他須要查核司機代客支付的款額,由於顧客有時付款較慢,所以他亦未能按時完成核算程序。
According to the usual practice of the industry, he needs to verify the amount prepaid by the driver / chauffeur* on behalf of the customers. Since the customers are sometimes slow to pay, so he may not be able to finish the verification process as scheduled.
(*chauffeur 般指私人矯車司機,視乎閣下這裡的意思)

2. 即使有條款訂明支付薪金的日期,原告人已經免除對方準時發薪的要求。
Even there is the rule stipulating the salary issuing date, the plainiff has already forego his request for timely issuing of salary from the other party.

3. 雙方議定的發薪日期為下月終, 他只是提早支付薪金。
The agreed date for issuing of salary by both parties is the end of next month. He just makes the salary payment in advance.

4. 雙方沒有訂明固定的發薪日期。
Both parties have not specified on a fixed salary issuing date.
2007-03-28 8:00 am
The pinpointing of the translation is precise & detailed.
2007-03-24 4:11 pm
1. 根據行規,他須要查核司機代客支付的款額,由於顧客有時付款較慢,所以他亦未能按時完成核算程序。
According to the practice, he has to audit the amounts the driver has paid in advance for the customers. It being the case that some customers made the payments rather late, he could not finish the auditing procedures on time.

2. 即使有條款訂明支付薪金的日期,原告人已經免除對方準時發薪的要求。
Even though there are regulations specifying the date of salary payment, the plaintiff has exempted the defendant from paying timely salaries.

3. 雙方議定的發薪日期為下月終, 他只是提早支付薪金。
It was agreed by both parties that the salary would be paid by the end of the following month. He only made a payment ahead of schedule.

4. 雙方沒有訂明固定的發薪日期。
There is no fixed salary payment schedules between the two parties.

The translation above is for your reference. Hope you'll find it useful.

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