
2007-03-24 8:55 am

回答 (4)

2007-04-01 11:12 pm

2007-03-29 12:41 am
which district ga? my teacher is a private one....she usually teaches in eastern district .
if u want her contact send me an email at [email protected] la i think she is pretty good
2007-03-26 6:57 am
I think Music Tree is the best !

I study in there .

@ 如果你要找個盡責的老師, 我提意你去 Music Tree .
all is 女 teacher !

@ 學費is very cheap .
I forget is how much , but I can sure there is cheap

u can call MISS 杜 to ask for .

@@@ 地方: Unit 3 ON 6/f , CITMARK , N.O. 28 Yuen Shun Circuit *****in , HK

@@@ Tel ; 26356744

*every year also have a BIG party .*

is VERY VERY good !!

I can VERY SURE their teacher won't 無理取鬧, 突然失踪,又不接電話,又不覆機,


believe me plz !!

誠意推介 !
參考: Music Tree 卡片
2007-03-24 5:23 pm
[email protected]
參考: my experience

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