
2007-03-24 7:18 am


(我幫你睇下預約時間, 可唔可以留低你個名同電話, 我轉頭覆你!)










回答 (7)

2007-03-25 8:01 am
(may i know what) can i help you?

(我幫你睇下預約時間, 可唔可以留低你個名同電話, 我轉頭覆你!)
let me check with the apointment, would you like to leave you name and number and I will get back to you later?

May i know how to spell your name (please)

what is your number?

thanks a lot, i will get bact to you as soon as possible

may i speak to mr. chan?

I would like to remind you your apointment is at 8 tomorrow

your appointment is fine, lets see you tomorrow
2007-03-24 6:45 pm
1) listen : (Will Youmie can help your center? ) ..................... (I help you Dixia make an appointment, do not want to name the same phone you have to stay low, I turned around Minute you! ) .......................... (who point you have to die Series ? ) ...................... (Tel. No. please? ) ........ ............ (ready smile - I will revive you! ) (b) listen : (He Xiang搵 I ready? ) ............................. ....... (Chen, you mentioned you listen Japan left about 8 : 00!) .............................. (time, no problem we went round growing!)
2007-03-24 9:02 am
Hello, what can I do for you?
I check the booking hour first.Can you tell me your name and phone numbe?I will call you back as soon as possible.
May I know the spelling of your name?
Can you tell me your phone number,please?
Thanks of your information.I will call you back as soon as possible.
Excuse me.May I talk to Mr.Chan?
Mr.Chan,I want to confirm our appointment of eight o'clock.
The time is no problem.Let's see you tomorrow.
多啲用please,thank you,May
2007-03-24 8:26 am
How may I help you?

我幫你睇下預約時間, 可唔可以留低你個名同電話, 我轉頭覆你!
Let me check your booking times. Would you leave your name and phone number. I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Could you please spell your name?

What is your telephone number please?

Thanks, I will get back to you asap!

Excuse me, can I speak to Mr Chan please?

Mr Chan, this is just to remind you of an appointment with us at 8:00

There is no problem with the time. I'll see you tomorrow!
2007-03-24 8:03 am
Can I help you?

我幫你睇下預約時間, 可唔可以留低你個名同電話, 我轉頭覆你!
I'm going to check the appointment for you. Can you give me your name and contact number please? I'll call you back.

Can you spell your name for me please?

What's your phone number?

Thank you very much. I'll call you as soon as I can!

Can I speak with Mr Chan please?

Good morning Mr Chan! Your appointment is at 8am/pm tomorrow.

If the time is fine, then I'll see you tomorrow!
2007-03-24 7:36 am
Part 1.
1. How may I help you?
2. Can you please leave your name and contact number. I will get back to you once I checked the appointments for you.
3. Can you spell your name for me, please?
4. And your contact number, please?
5. Thank you, I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Part 2.
1. May I speak to Mr.Chan, please?
2. Hello Mr. Chan, would like to remind you, your appointment is tomorrow at 8:00.
3. Time is fine with you. Then I/we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Hope this help

2007-03-23 23:43:16 補充:
Sorry revise :Part 2.1. May I speak with Mr.Chan, please?And just one little thing : you can also use ' can' to ask question in a polite way, just depends on how you use it. Also, it depends on your tone of voice as well.
2007-03-24 7:32 am
Hello, how are you? How may i help you? OR how may i assist you?

(我幫你睇下預約時間, 可唔可以留低你個名同電話, 我轉頭覆你!)
i will check your booking time, may i have your name and contact number please? i will call you back soon.

could you spell your name for me please?

may i have your contact number please?

thank you for calling, i will call you back soon.

May i speak to Mr Chan please?

Mr chan, i would like to remind you that your booking time is 8 o'clock tomorrow

do you have any questions? if not i will see you tomorrow.

you could use PLEASE, WOULD, COULD and MAY as a polite way, but not using CAN!

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