✔ 最佳答案
At that moment, she thought of how her parents encouraged her in saying: "Don't despair if you have not done well in your exams. While there are disappointments in life, there are also hopes. Examination is only a small part of life, you don't have to make a big deal out of it. However you do, your parents will always stand by you; giving you all the support you need."
From her purse, she took our a few encouragement cards. This was support given by her good friend Mary and few of her other friends from school. One of the cards read: "Whatever you do, just know that you have done your best" another one reads "Keep your spirits up and we will win this exam!"
She knew very well that she had done the best of her abilities. She wasn't ashamed. Although she studied hard til late every night, she understood that she only starts to revise a month before the exams, therefore she is always a little behind everyone and consequently obtains poorer results from everybody else. She knew if she put more effort into her work, she would be able to do better the next time.
After she was hit by a football, she started to notice on a group of 8-9 year old children playing. If it was possible at all, she really wishes that she can be a kid again, as then they would't have to worry about what they do.