美國have what 特色食品???

2007-03-24 5:39 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-24 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
麥當勞 - 美國佬將全世界人洗腦後,騙得最多人食的漢堡飽
冬甩 (糖圈) - 全世界只有美國人(D蠢人)食的鬼佬鹹煎餅(最重要係中間被人偷食咗都買)
Pizza - 美國賣得比義大利(原創)多幾百倍的薄餅
Red Roaster - 大件唔底食的炸雞
KFC - 用個巨型蓮花杯裝的全世界最貴的炸雞
Planet Hollywood Hot Dog - 裏面條腸大件到美國佬個big mouth先至食到
Wendy - 用個女人名騙人的食館
星巴克 - D咖啡重貴過香水
2007-03-24 6:31 am
fast food, like McDonald, Wendy's, Abby's and KFC with fries, burgers, soda, etc.
donuts, like duncan donuts and krispy kream
they have new york cheesecake and other type of choclate cake which is too sweet. (generally their sweet dishes are too sweet!)
US cuisine in restaurants included stuff like steak, pasta, salad, burger, fried food, like fried shrimp. They mainly like dished with meet to be their main course.
2007-03-24 5:43 am
Mc Donald,, KFC -3-
炸野,, 多油,, 高脂肪!
參考: myself

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