
2007-03-24 2:11 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-24 2:26 am
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一般民航機的飛行高度約為10 000公尺。





2007-03-23 18:27:35 補充:
英国帝国理工学院的科学家罗伯特。诺兰等人经过研究,提出了一个解决方案-- 降低民航机飞行高度。他们认为,视天气情况而定,当飞机的飞行高度从33000 英尺降低到24000-31000英尺之间时,将不会产生凝结尾迹。http://www.t7online.com/feature/news231002.htm

2007-03-23 18:33:12 補充:
2007-03-24 10:18 am
No, cruising at 40,000ft isn't rare at all. In fact the majority of modern jet airliners is certified to fly above 40,000ft and it's particularly common on long-haul operations where flying at higher altitude will achieve better fuel consumption and engine performance. For example from Sydney to Hong Kong, Cathay's A333s typically operate at the range of 35,000 to 41,000ft. With the initial altitude at 33-35,000ft, they gradually climb to 39-41,000ft at mid-way depending on the direction. Then all the way to the top of descend point.

But most jet operations are constrainted below 45,000ft due to the extra-terrestrial ionising radiation issue. The only regular public transport operations of jet airliners at the altitude above 45,000ft in history were operated by Concorde due to the need of leaned air density and more stabled air to achieve supersonic performance.

For the highest flight altitude achieved by manned aircraft, it's depended on how you define an aircraft. For manned vehicle laterally all spacecraft including space shuttle fly above 380km. But since their flight dynamic is achieved by the use of external booster (in the other words, rockets) at the initial flight stage (that means the launch) and being held on the orbit (i.e. level flight) by the inertial force (so no thrust) which maintains the vehicles at the Escape Speed (in plain words, the speed to get away from a planet), it doesn't count as an aero-dynamic vehicle (in our words, airplane). The recorded manned airplane operation with the highest altitude achieved is the SpaceShip One flight on 21st June 2004, at the altitude of approximately 100km.
2007-03-24 7:10 am
航程超過2小時的, 民航機的飛行高度一般是11000公尺, 航程在2小時以內的, 大多是7500~ 10000公尺之間.

飛機發行的是大氣層的最低層, 稱為對流層, 高度約為14公里.


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