Runescape--run faster+longer if less items in bag??

2007-03-24 12:30 am
is it?

as i saw,3 steps=3 %,but not very sure,so vote~


take 78 kg like same as 20kg,not sure

回答 (3)

2007-03-26 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Running reduces your character's energy level, though, and your character can only run as long as the energy level is more than 0%. When it gets to 0%, your character's move speed will automatically be changed to walk.

Weight also affects your energy. If you are carrying lots of heavy items, your total weight will be increased, making your energy decrease even faster if you try to run. Your run energy will recharge slowly if you stop running. It recharges faster if you have a high Agility level. Some potions and foods can also restore run energy.

跑的速度是固定的, 不受攜帶的物品影響; 攜帶物品的重量則會影響你跑得多久, 帶著愈輕的物品跑, 能量會消耗得慢些, 即是可以跑得遠些
2007-04-02 7:16 pm
The bag or body weight will affects your running.The weight heavier and lighter are no differents.The power of running turns into lesser time of heavier is the same as lighter.So the answer is no.
2007-03-24 3:28 am
the less weight you're carrying ,the faster you'll run,i've played runescape2
for 3.5 years

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