
2007-03-23 11:35 pm

回答 (4)

2007-03-24 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
適量的酒精可幫助血液循環,又可鬆弛神經,飲完high high地乜都唔需要諗既感覺就最正
參考: 酗酒多年
2007-03-24 8:56 pm

我鍾意sammi 你唔鍾意

2007-03-24 12:25 am
well, I've started drinking since young coz my dad started feeding me with beer when I was a kid. Then I started drinking on my own with friends at around 18 years old. Couldn't hold a bit at the beginning, but drank more and more and the tolerance level towards alcohol got higher. There was a period when I could finish almost a liter of Vodka on my own.

To me, I have preferences & mood... I'm not a beer drinker; I usually drink wine, whisky or sake. But what I want to drink synchronizes with my mood, and who I'm with and how I'm feeling. Sometimes for celebration, sometimes when I'm moody, so sometimes when I'm in doubt or even when I'm bored.

I'm that kind of person who will bother to open a bottle of red wine and finish it by myself at home, drinking is a kind of relaxation, It gives out courage and confidence. I makes people relax, it makes people shut off for awhile, just drink and relax, say/ think/ whatever we like... in brief, just put myself into a state of relaxation.

I hate being hangover, but I love drinking more than I hate the post drinking effect, so I'll never quit drinking.

And let me come back to you with this... I don't understand why some people don't enjoy drinking, do they not enjoy because they are scared of the hangover? or they don't enjoy anything from the entire drinking process?
參考: Personal experience
2007-03-23 11:44 pm


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