有關SATA & ATA 的DVD-Rom制式問題

2007-03-23 9:56 pm
本人之前買左 Sony 的dvd+-rw(SATA制式),
當駁左cable後就連 BIOS都入唔到, 如果除左駁底板的cable就可以開到機入window, 我相信一是駁錯位, 二是setting錯左.
但power線是冇問題, 部dvd機開到, 在人地部機試都得, 係唔知點整得到自己部機度用.

=> 駁在約咩位(底板)才最ok, 及BIOS的setting可以點搞?!
P.S. 本人的底板有四個SATA(1-4)位, hardisk 條線都係駁在sata位度.

回答 (1)

2007-03-23 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is very hard to say how to configure it in BIOS, since every bios is different.
there must be a conflict somewhere, I recommend you to get an external USB 2.0
housing for this SATA DVD-ROM, and it should be able to do plug and play in windows and no need to mess around the board
and you can use it in any USB 2.0 supported computer
very useful

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