點解要係need ,其他唔得????

2007-03-23 8:24 pm
...Women smokers, however,have a greater chance if developing lung cancer than men, according to an australian report. they also seem to ____(?)_____fewer cigarettes to do so, the report commissioned by the australian college of physicians said

a need
b want
c have
d take

回答 (3)

2007-03-23 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
睇清楚D全句嘅結構嘛...梗係用 need 啦, 其他都唔啱...


.......一份澳洲嘅報導指出, 吸煙嘅女性較吸煙嘅男性容易患上肺癌.

問題句如果接上文 就會 = 女性似乎XXX 較少量(煙嘅成份)便能導致 (肺癌)

當然係 need 啦, 點會係其他呢?


一份澳洲嘅報導指出, 吸煙女性較吸煙男性更容易患上肺癌, 女性體質似乎只需要較少煙量便能導致肺癌...

換句話講, 女性能承受煙害程度比男性低, 所以比較起嚟, 少D份量已經會導致肺癌.

英文嘅句子結構好多時同中文掉轉, 所以唔應該直譯咁去理解!!

所以 want / have / take 都唔適用囉.
參考: my knowledge
2007-03-24 12:18 am
they also seem to ____(?)_____fewer cigarettes to (get cancer)

a need 需要較少煙仔就生癌
b want 想要較少煙仔去生癌
c have 有較少煙仔去生癌
d take 用較少煙仔就生癌

所以只有a 一個make sense
2007-03-23 8:39 pm
take/need is the correct answer ... in American Standard English ....
have or want , totally incorrect ...
they also seem to take fewer cigarettes to do so ...
they also seem to need fewer cigarettes to do so ...
I prefer "take"...

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