
2007-03-23 7:28 pm
I just back from Canada, don't have much friends in HK......so HOW can I know more friends in HK??

我 26 歲, coming 27 歲 (女)

回答 (7)

2007-03-23 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i think u should change yr mind firstly
u always tell u that dont be shy, be a actived person
then try to DO step by step
( DO = talk more )
after a month, half year, a year ........
u would discover that u got many fds ingradually ( misspelling, but i thought u would understand)
i never trust online friend, but u also can try it
meeting online fd just live in yr own world in yr life, it s unuseful
參考: my opinion
2007-03-25 9:09 pm
你都可以add我,[email protected]
2007-03-24 7:14 am
你可以去參加一些交友活動,擴大生活圈子,其實唔好咁拘謹,當普通認識朋友,你可以去這個網頁看看 www.honeybmatch.com
2007-03-24 12:20 am

我都想識一d對收集錢幣和郵票有興趣的人,如果有的話,請和我聯絡 [email protected] 我是男 32歲 !!
2007-03-23 7:46 pm
如: 跳舞, 甚至烹飪, 瑜伽等學習班也可以認識好多朋友,
2007-03-23 7:42 pm
1. Join the church
2. Join the Putonghua conversations group
3. Join the sport team (badminton, tennis or etc.)
2007-03-23 7:37 pm
有冇返學 / 返工, 如果有返學, 參加學校課外活動, 如果有返工, 就同的同事 say hi / 88, 食飯一齊食, 好易識到的 fd

如果暫時未有, 可以參加一的興建班如寫字 / 煮食, 如果再夠膽的, 可以參考政府舉行既活動如行山 / 宿營 / 義工等

* 個人唔建議用 icq 識人, 因為危險性較高

參考: 自己

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