
2007-03-23 5:43 pm
我係foxy度dl o左d電影,燒o左係碟度,
到,請問點先可以係碟機睇ar ,係o米要
轉檔先睇得,可唔可以教下我ar 。
唔該ar 。

回答 (1)

2007-03-23 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用 Nero 7 入面嘅 Nero Vision 4 就得啦。

* Integrate songs and other audio commentary to individual slides with new slide show timing options
* Slide shows can now include up to 2,000 photos
* Enhanced Nero Digital support offers an intuitive and easy to use interface for the Nero Digital encoder, which helps export high-quality videos in the user’s requested format
* Add still picture files to customized movies
* Create a disc that can be viewed on any DVD player with Nero Vision’s disc finalization tool


2007-03-24 09:15:37 補充:
呢度係 Nero 邪道教學,乜都講晒,自己慢慢睇啦,不過係簡體嚟啵:http://bbs.cdbest.net/read.php?tid=182527
參考: Nero

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