What is this in English?

2007-03-23 3:08 pm

自由來換失戀那代價, 你真的相信值得嗎?

回答 (7)

2007-03-23 3:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If I were Sleeping Beauty, I can dream of being with you everday.
Do you really believe it is worth to exchange freedom for lost love?
參考: 自己
2007-04-03 7:44 pm
for lost love is gramatically wrong.
2007-03-23 9:55 pm
If I was the Sleeping Beauty every day ..
. I can dream, and you price it wanted freedom to change, you really believe it is worth?
2007-03-23 8:22 pm
If I were Sleeping Beauty, I could be with you in my dreams everyday.

Are you sure it worths fighting for love at the expense of freedom.


2007-03-23 12:23:01 補充:
at the expense of freedom?
2007-03-23 7:11 pm
If I am a Sleeping Beauty, I will with you in my dream everyday.
Freedom can exchange the expense , do you believe it is worth?
參考: Me!!!
2007-03-23 6:06 pm
If I am the Sleeping Beauty, I would want to dream to be with you every single day

If I use my freedom and exchange it with the price of being alone. Would you think it is worth it?
參考: me!
2007-03-23 3:31 pm
If I am a Sleeping Beauty, I can dream to be stay with you everyday.

Do you believe it is worth to use freedom to exchange the grief of lost love?

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