
2007-03-24 7:10 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-24 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
人工心臟瓣膜-Artificial heart valve
英文解釋-a device which is implanted in the heart of patients who suffer from valvular diseases in their heart. When one or two of the four heart valves of the heart have a malfunction, the choice is normally to replace the natural valve by an artificial valve. This requires open-heart Surgery.

Valves are integral to the normal physiological functioning of the human heart. Natural heart valves are structures which have evolved a form which meets their functional requirements, which is to induce largely unidirectional flow through themselves. Natural heart valves may become dysfunctional due to a variety of pathological causes. Certain heart valve pathologies may necessitate the complete surgical replacement of the natural heart valves with heart valve prostheses.
參考: www.wikipedia.com, 最新科技太多了 放不下 請自行查詢網站內容
2007-03-24 9:11 am
. If a surgeon cannot repair a heart valve, the valve is removed and replaced with【 an artificial (prosthetic) valve】 by sewing it into the remaining tissue from the natural valve.()

2007-03-24 01:12:23 補充:

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