
2007-03-23 7:17 am
諗住復活節去新加坡, 想經濟一點

1. 聯合航空(星晨代理)真係平好多, 可唔可靠?

2. priceline冇list到附加費, 有冇人知?

3. 如果係zuji買機票, 再另訂酒店, 會唔會平o的?

4. 除左永安, egl, 康泰, 星晨等大公司, 仲有冇其他agents係有可靠同平package?

Thanks a lot!

回答 (2)

2007-03-23 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
聯合航空 - 晚機去,約半夜12點到,早機返,約6:30登機,少2日玩,浪費2晚酒店

priceline - 是無得自己選擇

Zuji - ok,價錢公道

大公司較可靠, 可以上網狀試新航假期 SIA Holidays或者國泰假期,旅行社都係賣佢地的Package
參考: 試過
2007-03-23 7:24 pm
Singapore Airline and Cathy Pacific has some package for Singapore during the easter holiday.
You may check with their website for further information.

The package of SIA Holiday for the easter holiday is from $3380. details place refer to their website:

I'm ususally check with the travel agent (Travelex). You may also visit the website for other information.

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