Photographying Course in HK Art School

2007-03-23 5:31 am
Hi there, I am about to apply the BA of Art (Photographying) in HK Art School. And would like to know if anyone has studied in there before or is studying in there? And how is it? Also, what do I need to prepare for the interview and application!? I don't have any related experience, but I love photographying! Thanks.

回答 (3)

2007-03-24 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
i certainly will not recommend hk art school to those who are genuinely intested in art. check out more info on this school and about its (including rmit) reputation before you apply. there was an article on apple daily (28th feb 2007, i think?) questioning about its standard and integrity. i had studied in that school and must say the standard was only satisfactory at best. why not try the ktvtc? ( i know many photo journalists graduated from ktvtc. it is a practical school and not a diploma mill! if you apply for art school, you don't have to do anything as long as you are willing to pay $. email me if you need more first hand info!

2007-03-24 22:06:39 補充:

2007-03-31 14:37:18 補充:
if "since2000photography" graduated around 93, s/he might be referring to rmit in australia but not the art school as hkas has a short history. then, s/he might be right. considering only $ & campus in art centre, u see it is ripping u off. u could consider overseas institutes then.

2007-03-31 14:41:28 補充:
yes, it's better to study photography overseas. there are good schools where photography is taught as art AND science, unlike the art school where fine art is the only dish? :)
參考: my experience
2007-03-31 7:02 am
I finished yr 1 at rmit BA of Art in 1993, that was so great !!
I am sure much better that ktvtc. I employed two freelance assist from Ktvtc student before, so I knew.
But i am not sure how much different between rmit and HK Art School.

RMIT Art in Photography course In 1992. They only take 20 students from 2200 people.
How to compare with Ktvtc.

2007-03-30 23:12:42 補充:
I just read! School fee not cheap !!If someone want to study photography, i am sure, go oversea 1.I really want to help everybody who fall in love with photography.Give me a mail if you want to know more !!
2007-03-23 10:59 am
其實到hk art school interview時, 主要表演到自己對photographying有幾多passion反而係最重要, 還有當然係你的works.
其實學校裡的每位老師都好有教學的passion, 而且課程當中, 唔只會教技術上的, 仲會教好多思考上的野, 老師除左在學習上會幫助你, 在學習以外的時間, 亦會好願意為你解答其他與課堂沒有關係的問題, 每位老師是香港最好的老師(唔係自誇, 他們的確是!他們是一班很有經驗的老師!!)
學校中同學之間的學習氣氛也會很融洽, 而且很有passion。
學校在學生需要用的機器上, 也會有很足夠的提供。
(我之前是CVA(現已為叫Foundation Diploma in Visual Art )的學生, 現在是dip in fine art的學生。)
p.s. 最近學校也有一些畢業展, 有時候絕對要去看看, 詳情請去番學校的link:

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