翻譯( 中文to英文)

2007-03-23 5:18 am

回答 (3)

2007-03-23 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Big love oneo Asia column and platform parapet. Building middle constructs has the very graceful dome, constructs in the dome base four jiao has . The main entrance on a colonnade stands has the Greek law and the justice god of peaceful beautifully thinks the likeness of a god or buddha, likeness of a god or buddha both eyes obstructs Mongolia for the cloth, grasps scales, expressed fair is selfless.

2007-03-25 1:49 am
Tall and big Ionia cylinder and railing of the platform. There is very graceful calotte in the middle part of the building, four angles in the round-top bottom have a small tower . Erect the Greek law and god of justice and think of statues safely and beautifully on the colonnade of main entrance , one pair of eyes of statue is hidden and covered with for the cloth, hold the day balance , in order to show that just and unselfish.
參考: my computer
2007-03-23 6:08 am
Big love Owne Asia column and platform parapet.Building middle constructs the very graceful dome, constructs in the dome base four jiao a buttress tower.
參考: o係Microsoft Word到翻譯

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