
2007-03-23 3:49 am
我個老師教[yum cha]~我唔係好信..所以係到問下

回答 (15)

2007-03-23 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Yum Cha" or "Dim Sum" both can be used to express ”飲茶”的意思.

For example: Let's go Yum Cha for lunch. 午餐就去酒樓飲茶吧.

For example: Do you like Dim Sum for lunch? 午餐你喜歡去酒樓飲茶食點心嗎.

2007-03-30 23:05:41 補充:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yum_ChaYum cha literally meaning "drinking tea", refers to the custom of eating small servings of different foods while sipping Chinese teahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dim_SumDim sum is a Chinese light meal, served usually with Chinese tea.
2016-07-30 8:30 am
yum cha
2016-03-27 4:27 am
2007-03-27 3:14 am
Yum Cha
2007-03-24 3:41 am
usually "dim sum", but they will also say "yum cha".
參考: my foreign bosses
2007-03-23 4:19 am
正確係 yum cha 由於外國毋飲茶 咪變左同音 yum cha
不過 如果想話係中式餐廳食野 都可以話係eat at Chinese restaurant
2007-03-23 4:03 am
Yum Cha................
2007-03-23 3:57 am
(講真)Yum Cha!
參考: 我老師都係禁講
2007-03-23 3:54 am
我想係to drink tea
2007-03-23 3:53 am
eat at a chinese restaurant

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