
2007-03-23 3:21 am
我想問嚇地鐵嚟之前嗰句the train to the ``~~~係點咖?

回答 (7)

2007-03-23 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
上面部份答題者都無睇問題, 人地唔係問地鐵英文係乜喎.....

The train to Tsuen Wan is arriving, please let the passengers exit first, Thank you for your "co-operation"

2007-03-23 15:48:43 補充:
上面有位答題者串錯字, 係co-operation, 唔係 corporation. corporation 係解公司, 唔係解合作.
2007-03-23 6:26 am
For Example: 係奧運去香港
The train to Hong Kong is arriving, please let the passengers exit first, Thank you for your corporation
往香港既即將到達, 請先讓乘客下車, 多謝合作
2007-03-23 4:21 am
MTR 或者 train 都得....希望幫到你!!
2007-03-23 3:51 am
The train to (Tsuen Wan-總之是那條線的總站名) is arriving, please stand behind the yellow line.
2007-03-23 3:44 am
The train to(XX)is arriving. Please let passengers exit first.
2007-03-23 3:25 am
MTR train
參考: me
2007-03-23 3:24 am
The train to (Chai Wan) is arriving. Please let the passengers exit first.

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