have been 同 had been 都冇別?

2007-03-23 3:15 am
have been 同 had been 都冇別?..
諗到我頭都大埋~~help me^^~thanks you so much~

回答 (3)

2007-03-23 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have been: 即係一向都係, 現在都係, 未來應該都會係
Had been: 曾經係, 而家沒有/不用了

Have been/have always been.
e.g. You have always been my best friend.
解: 你一向/一直都係我最好的朋友.

e.g. He had been a great help to me during my troubles.
解: 我有困難那時候他幫了我很多. [[ 暗示現在沒有困難, 已不需幫忙 ]]

但日常溝通好少用 had been. 用其他wording可以順口d. (e.g. was)

In addition, the above sample sentences are fragmented and don't provide any information regarding the situation each should be used.. so they are not really good examples.

2007-03-22 23:33:50 補充:
Sorry, I mean the sentences on the above answer ! : )
參考: I am an abc
2007-03-23 6:33 pm
Yes there is a difference between have been and had been.

Have been is present tense. For example, if you want to say that you have played basketball since you were 5 years old and you still are playing, you would say "I have been playing basketball since i was 5 years old."

Had been is past tense. For example, if you want to say you use to play basketball but you don't anymore, then you would say "I had been playing when i was 5 years old."

if you use the wrong tense then you can tell someone a completely different thing!!

hope this helps
參考: me: im a cbc.. lol
2007-03-23 3:49 am
have been:(tense:present perfect)Meaning:metaphors something happened at an unspecified time before now.

had been:(tense:past perfect)Meaning: expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past.

The usage is also slightly different,as in the following examples:
I have been thinking that I should vote this answer.
I had been thinking that I should vote this answer.
As you can see,the time is different

I hope this helps ;)
參考: me

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