其中 的英文點講, 係咪" as part of " ? 有冇例句 ?

2007-03-23 1:57 am
其中 的英文點講, 係咪" as part of " ? 有冇例句 ?

回答 (2)

2007-03-23 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
其中 的英文 is often hidden within a sentence. You cannot literally translate it into English. Try to spot the hidden words 其中 in the following examples:

You have two choices here. One of them is to buy, the other is to sell.

There are 25 students in my class, and Mary is the youngest

AMONGST the seven colours in a rainbow, orange is my favourite.
2007-03-23 8:03 am
There are several ways, for example:

AS PART OF the recruitment process, candidates are required to take an English test.

AMONG all students, my cousin performed the best.

Two OF my students come from European countries.

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