NOD 32 VS Norton

2007-03-23 1:56 am
我想問Norton好d定NOD 32好d ???
NOD 32有冇防火牆 ???
整體黎講邊個防止Virus 既性能好d ???

回答 (2)

2007-03-23 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
#1 BitDefender
#3F-Secure Anti-Virus
#4 PC-cillin
#5 ESET Nod32
#6 McAfee VirusScan
#7 Norton AntiVirus
#8 AVG AntiVirus
#9 CA Antivirus
#10 Norman Virus Control
#11 AntiVirusKit
#12 AVAST!
#13 Panda Titanium
#14 F-Prot
#15 PCTools AntiVirus
#16 ViRobot Expert
#17 WinAntiVirus
NA CyberScrub AntiVirus
NA The Shield AntiVirus
NA Windows OneCare

i prefer nod32 la
mcafee soem chinese virus cant hit,they chinese virus slow
the best is kapa la,many chinese and tw user
norton eat too many ram,ur pc will 10% slow drop
2007-03-23 6:41 pm
NOD32本身有bug, 很多人都話裝左重容易中毒.
Mcafee 和 Norton 是老字號, 點都穩陣.

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