點解咁嫁現在完成式 過去完成式

現在完成式︰has/have + past participle(過去分詞)
e.g. She has given me one dollar. (因主語是she,所以用has;given則是give的過去分詞)
e.g. I have given him one dollar. (因主語是I,所以用have)

過去完成式︰had + past participle(過去分詞)
e.g. She had given me one dollar.
e.g. I had given him one dollar. (無論主語是甚麼,都用had,因had沒有姓別/單眾數之分)

咁我見過有d...係was,were+past participle 嫁喎

回答 (3)

2007-03-23 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
be+past participle, 果d 係passive voice 被動式,
用了was/were 來表達tense是past tense
如果is/am /are + past participle , 就係present tense的passive voice

2007-03-22 18:07:50 補充:
例子: 我教你. I teach you.(因主語是I, 所以teach 不用加es)passive voice 就是is/am /are + past participle ,即係加verb-to-be, 再把 動詞 變身成past participle 所以passive voice 被動式: 你被我教. 係You are taugh by me. 主語是you, 所以be = are, 而teach 的 past participle 是taugh,所以成句就係You are taugh by me.

2007-03-22 18:13:45 補充:
如果 "我們教她/他".We teach her / him.passive voice 被動式: 她被我們教.She / He is taugh by us.(she / he, 所以用is;taugh則是teach的過去分詞)he / she / it + is + past participle

2007-03-22 18:16:01 補充:
如果 "Peter教她/他們/ 我們"Peter teaches them / us.passive voice 被動式: 她被我們教.They / We are taugh by Peter.(they / we, 所以用are;taugh則是teach的過去分詞)they / we + are + past participle

2007-03-22 18:21:08 補充:
再來幾句: 主動: I give him a book. (give 是現在式)被動: A book is given him by me. (現在式,所以用is / am/ are; a book, 所以揀is)主動: I gave him a book. (gave 是give的過去式)被動: A book was given him by me. (過去式, 所以was/ were, a book , 所以揀was)

2007-03-22 18:23:23 補充:
打到手軟!!!主動: I give him 10 books. (give 是現在式)被動: 10 books are given him by me. (現在式,所以用is / am/ are; 多過一本book, 所以揀are)主動: I gave him 10 book. (gave 是give的過去式)被動: 10 books were given him by me. (過去式, 所以was/ were, 多過一本 book , 所以揀were)
2007-03-23 1:57 am
What you are saying, were all present and past perfect tense!
was, were + past participle is the form of Passive Voice.
Active Voice: Somebody opened the door.
PASSIVE VOICE: The door was opened.

Passive voice: Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Past Continuous Tense!

Sorry, I don't know how to write these terms in Chinese!
參考: ME!
2007-03-23 1:56 am
is 過去完成式

2007-03-22 17:57:39 補充:
had also can be the 過去完成式

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