Mexico Music Development(墨西哥音樂發展)???20pts

2007-03-23 1:00 am
Mexico Music Development(墨西哥音樂發展)???20pts

回答 (1)

2007-03-23 3:47 am
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I hope I can help you:

Mexican music has its roots in the Indian flute, huehuetl (drum) and conch shell. The Spaniards brought their musicians with them as the Indian music proved inadequate for bullfights.

Bullfighting and bullfight music originates in Pharanoic Egypt and was introduced into Spain by the Moors. Mexico's first bullfight took place in Mexico City in 1526 (to honor Cortes upon his return from a Honduran expedition) and the first bullfight music was heard in the new world.

French music impinged itself on the Mexican scene during the French intervention (when Emperor Maximilian and Empress Carlota reigned supreme) from 1862-1867...and the Mexican mariachi was born.

All mariachi say that Jalisco was the birthplace from whence the name is derived. The word itself seems to be a variation of the French word mariage for which music was provided...mostly waltzes, polkas, and the instruments were the harp, violin, and guitar.

The French mariage (marriage) evolved into "mariachi", as this type of mexican musician is commonly known to this day, and they play all kinds of music. The most popular combination of instruments is two violins, a harp, guitarrón (bass guitar), and guitarra de golpe, a five-string instrument that is tuned differently from the others.

Musicians say that it is not easy to be a mariachi. Only those who have the proper heritage find it a good life...not everyone can do it - MARIACHI MUSIC MUST COME FROM THE HEART.


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