
2007-03-22 10:54 pm

回答 (3)

2007-03-22 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The length of time you sleep together or have sex does not mean anything ...
some couple sleep together for so many years still don't really love each other ...
15年同床共枕 is a very deep destiny 很深厚的緣份 ...
but is it true love ? I am not sure ...
同居15年/結婚結婚 to me is the same thing ... you still need to accept the good and bad of both people ... and they stay together for a reason ...
結婚 is just a paper for legal right ... other than that it meant nothing ...
you can DIVORCE anytime :)
When finanical is not a problem ... then DIVORCE all the time ...
you can see how superstar divorce all the time ...since they have money to pay off an unhealthy relationship
2007-03-23 12:46 am
其實結婚和同居都可以就是為了一張紙, 但分別就很大, 因一張証書是有法律効力, 要承諾照顧大家一生一世,名份也很重要的, 也要顧及大家屋企人, 不可能個女就這樣交給別人又不須付責任, 試問你有個女, 無端端又跟随別人15年, 你估做父母開不開心呢
參考: 其實結婚和同居
2007-03-22 11:20 pm
參考: my opinion

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