The meaning of cross my fingers

2007-03-22 9:40 pm
Somebody who can tell me whether the meaning of Crossed my fingers should be (a) just use one hand, cross the middle finger & forefinger together? OR (b) both hand together and make a action like we prayer OR (c) a+b are not correct??

回答 (2)

2007-03-22 11:22 pm
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An old superstition says that if you cross your fingers (usually two fingers of the same hand) it will bring good luck.
Cross my fingers refers to actually crossing your fingers, usually the middle finger over the index finger.

Crossing your fingers can have several meanings depending on context, most dealing with superstitions or children's games.

You can cross your fingers to bring good luck. I'll keep my fingers crossed so everything will turn out okay

You can cross your fingers when saying something so that it "doesn't count." I said it, but I had my fingers crossed behind my back so it doesn't count."

2007-03-22 9:55 pm
If you say that you are crossing your fingers about something, you mean that you are hoping that everything will happen as you want it to. Sometimes you don't have to say anything at all, but simply put your middle finger on top of your forefinger to indicate your hope.

The answer to your question is therefore (a).

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:48:26
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