What is the requirements of Aural part in ABRSM Grade 8 ?

2007-03-22 6:00 pm
What is the requirements of Aural part in ABRSM Violin Grade 8 exam ? Please give me some details ? How to prepare for this aural test ? Please suggest some aural training.

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2007-03-24 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Aural Tests GRADE 8
A1 To sing or play from memory the lowest part of a short three-part phrase played twice by the examiner.
The key-chord and starting note will first be sounded and named, and the pulse indicated. A second
attempt will be allowed if necessary.
A2 To identify the cadence at the end of a further (following) phrase, played twice by the examiner, as
perfect, imperfect, interrupted or plagal. The key-chord will first be sounded.
A3 To identify up to four chords in the above cadential progression, played twice by the examiner, as tonic
(root position, first or second inversions), supertonic (root position or first inversion), subdominant (root
position), dominant (root position, first or second inversions), dominant seventh (root position), or
submediant (root position). Candidates may alternatively use the equivalent roman notation. The key-chord
will first be sounded.
B To sing a short melody from score, accompanied by a higher part played by the examiner, in any major or
minor key up to four sharps or flats. The key-chord and starting note will first be sounded and the pulse
indicated. Candidates may choose to sing the test from the treble or bass clef. A second attempt will be
allowed if necessary.
C To identify two modulations, each played once by the examiner, beginning in a major or minor key.
The passages may modulate to the dominant (including dominant minor if in a minor key), subdominant,
relative minor or major, or (from a major key only) to the supertonic minor. Candidates will also be
required to name the new keys. In each instance the key-chord will first be sounded and the key named.
D To discuss matters relating to any of the musical features of a piece played by the examiner.

你要和你的violin teacher or 甲piano teacher 商量一下在堂上practise or buy 一些grade 8 aural book (其中一本是ABRSM出的, but it is for Grade6-8), I suggest you buy 何司能教授的ABRSM聽覺測驗補充教材G.8, ($140) Tomlee 有售 because inside 有很詳細的參考資料,十分有用(附CD),不過其他book 都ok on the other hand ,some part Grade 7 考過,是續篇, so 最好先明白Grade 7 的 Aural

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