去韓國1-2個月, 租借手機定買二手手機抵用?

2007-03-22 10:18 am
若去韓國1-2個月, 我想知在機場租用手機, 抑或到達韓國後買二手手機+用電話增值卡, 哪種方法較省錢抵用? thanks!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-23 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on the price of the 2nd hand mobile phone and the amount of call that you will make for each month.

You may first make a rough estimation of the cost for renting a mobile and for making e.g. 1 hour IDD call. With that figure in mind, you check the price of the 2nd hand mobile phone and decide whether or not to buy.

For <2 months' stay, l think it is better to rent a phone unless you could get a cheap 2nd hand mobile phone. Or if you will go to Korea again, buying a 2nd hand mobile phone is a better choice because you may use it next time.
2007-03-26 6:42 pm
韓國手電是用CDMA制式,不是用sim card的,所以是沒有電話增值card賣的。如你想買手電,要到電訊公司出機,都有d麻煩,最好有韓國朋友幫你。到機場租用手機,是每日計錢,大概3000won一日(一年前的價錢,不知有沒有加價?),打出計錢,打入不計錢........你考慮一下~

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