UA 飛行里數 (Mileage Plus) and Star Alliance

2007-03-22 9:50 am
請問UA 飛行里數 (Mileage Plus)同Star Alliance 的 聯 盟 公 司 0架飛行里數計劃有沒有不同?

回答 (4)

2007-03-22 11:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實最近UA轉咗飛行里數計劃嘅condition之後分別真係唔係太大... 但係有D航空公司嘅mileage遲D先到期,其他就早D... 好似NH(全日空)得2年期,但係UA/SQ(星航)有成3年期... 但係其實你有一張已經可以係禁多間航空公司攞分同redeem係哋所有航班嘅飛(但係攞其實航空公司飛比較多手續同比較難攞...)...
用邊一間個plan其實都好睇你飛邊間多D啦... 因為由始至終都係攞黎redeem自己航空公司飛易D... 因為redeem其他航空公司最少要一日時間先知有冇位... 但係自己航空公司就唔洗得... 所以如果你係住係香港而想攞star alliance分... 我會suggest係攞張全日空/泰航/星航... 因為你起碼可以易D攞去亞洲嘅飛先啦...
我自己就有張星航因為我不停來回香港-英國... 禁我坐新航/德航(star alliance公司)同維珍去攞分... 之後就redeem亞洲飛同屋企人去玩,再唔係就用黎redeem張香港-英國飛比我enjoy吓星航D服務當bonus... 再唔係唔夠分飛得遠,咁都可以自己買張香港-星加玻機票(一千蚊都唔洗)之後就用分攞星加玻-somewhere機票(禁就可以飛遠D啦...)...

2007-03-26 15:36:42 補充:
其實無咩所謂話攞邊間卡... 但係我會suggest你攞張Star Alliance亞洲航空公司嘅卡啦... 起碼之後要用都唔洗打電話去攞飛(重要24個鐘先知攞唔攞到)...所以係,我會suggest你可以攞張ANA或Thai Airways嘅卡... 因為第日要攞飛,短短地台灣/日本/泰國... 再唔係遠D,經日本/泰國轉機都得... 好過你攞張UA卡,係亞洲攞飛難到爆...但係出機票時記住要問吓個張飛有冇得攞分喎... 因為有時有D平價飛係唔比你攞分...
參考: 自己攞咗成十幾年星航分...
2009-02-01 5:21 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2008-09-04 6:14 pm
2007-03-26 6:31 am
UA's Frequent Flyer Program is quite famous. The miles will be expired after a period 18 months of NO ACTIVITY.

And UA have the lowest miles to redeem air ticket (just 20,000 miles for a return ticket to south-east Asia (by Star Alliance members)/Japan by UA). I know for the others, around 30,000 miles are required for a return ticket within Asia.

I think you should join Mileage Plus. And it's quite easy to collect miles through UA, some of the star alliance members like AC,LH,TG,NH,OZ (you can collect miles in ALL types of tickets, although may not be 100%.) (unlike CX, some types of tickets are not eligible for mileage accrual)and some of its NON STAR ALLIANCE partners like Qatar Airway, Emirates etc.......
參考: Myself, member of Mileage Plus since 1990

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