力拔山兮氣蓋世,時不利兮騅不逝 英文點講?

2007-03-22 9:08 am
力拔山兮氣蓋世,時不利兮騅不逝 英文點講?


回答 (3)

2007-03-22 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm such an extraordinary man but not at the right time.
That's the fiasco i've ever had. Where should i go from here?
參考: By myself. Translating the spirit rather than the words.
2007-03-23 12:11 am
Come gas unrivaled power era, when negative return piebald piebald death is not death, you can not do nothing, you take them away in member Yu Yu Xi
2007-03-22 6:17 pm
With the power to remove mountains and to change the course of rivers, I am the one who can stun the world. Nonetheless, in this adversity, even with my steed, I can find no way to sally out.
No way to sally out! No way to breakthrough! What can I do with my dearest wife Yu?

2007-03-22 10:20:35 補充:

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