可否用英文 或 中文 分析[為何有hidden youth 的出現呢?]

2007-03-22 7:12 am
可否用英文 或 中文 分析[為何有hidden youth 的出現呢?]


回答 (1)

2007-03-23 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 The wide use of computer. As they can stay at home to receive all the lastest information , this decrease their incentive to go out. For the online games or onlince chat rooms, these make to youth to live in their " own world", thinking that having a computer with them is enough.

2. Family. With the increasing number of divorce rates, many youth live with single parent, lack of love and care make them unwilling to share their things with other. Therefore, they prefer to stay alone.

3. Communication difficulty . As the have the difficulties to communicate with others. Most of these words many be mistaken by the listeners, thus, they prefer to say less in order to reduce the chance to say somethings wrong.
參考: myself

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