
2007-03-22 6:34 am
因為有部分寵物會咬人或會令人驚怕所以要立法禁止進入多個公共地方,手提電話在現階段沒有證據會危害健康 政府不需要立法禁止人們用手提電話的

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回答 (3)

2007-03-22 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because has a part of pet to be able to nip the person or can make the
person 驚怕 therefore must legislate the prohibition to enter many
public places, the portable telephone does not have the evidence in
the present stage to be able to harm the healthy government not to
need to legislate forbids the people to use the portable telephone
2007-03-24 1:38 am
Because some pets will bite people or will make people shy and afraid that should legislate to forbid entering a lot of public places , the portable telephone will endanger the health if the portable telephone there is no evidence at the present stage The government does not need to legislate to forbid people to use the portable telephone
參考: Microsoft Word
2007-03-22 8:14 am
As some of the pets could scare or even bite people, it is recommended to prohibit such pets from entering public places through legislative action.

Up to now, there is no concrete evidence that the use of cell phones is hazardous to health, so there is no compelling reason for the government to restrain such usage.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:17:33
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