english problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 points

2007-03-22 4:50 am
Have you ever dreamt of looking like a Greek God ?
Now you can,without the hassle of dieting or the pain of working out at the gym.
At the Di Milo Clinic,we have the widest range of cosmetic surgery procedures at the most competitive prices.
We'll build up those pecs,tighten thoso abs and put those curly locks back on your head.
the qrestions is
pecs is most likely an abbreviation for ........................
abs is most likely an abbreviation for ........................

回答 (1)

2007-03-22 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
pecs is the abbreviation for "Pectoral Muscle", which is the muscle on your chest ...胸肌

abs is the abbreviation for "Abdomen", which is stomach muscle ... 腹肌

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