
2007-03-22 4:00 am
(1)前幾日我打去問酒店,佢話新加坡嘅酒店唔會比未夠18歲嘅人check in(除咗YMCA)
但係我想買Packages去,因為會比較平,但係想知新加坡嘅酒店係唔係唔會比未夠18歲嘅人check in??我只係想問下我16歲到底可唔可以自己自遊行??

回答 (4)

2007-03-22 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am 17 now and I am also planning to Singapore this summer.
From what I found , some hotels will accept guests under 18 to check in but you better ask the hotel by email before and they will reply you within 1 day in normal.
Until this moment, i found that Perak Hotel (http://www.peraklodge.net/index-2.html) also accept guests under 18 and so you may think about it other than YMCA .
Hope this can help you~~
參考: myself, because I am under 18 & planning that too
2007-03-22 11:00 am
I think it's OK, because I have done it before when I was your age. I went to Singapore by myself and manage to check in to some cheap hotels. I don't see any problems with that. Maybe it's more upscale hotels that they will adhere to this rule.

So I suggest you checked with more hotels before you make your bookings.

You can definitely pass through the immigration with no problem, even if you are alone, unlike some countries.
2007-03-22 10:10 am
係唔可以o架!唔好話係新加坡啦!香港未夠18歲都唔可以check in啦!
參考: 16歲女生
2007-03-22 4:05 am

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