
2007-03-22 3:21 am
confirm booking之後, 便send了一封e-mail給我,
e-mail中已列明班機編號, 時間, 地點及個人資料,


2)e-mail上面寫了香港飛london的時間及回程時london飛香港的時間, 到底是以香港時間為準而去登機還是要以英國的時間?



5)由於學校可以claim番機票錢, 我想問怎樣拿收據?

回答 (3)

2007-03-22 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) That e-mail is your ticket already... So just go to airport as normal and present the e-mail (flight itinerary) with passport to check-in... That flight itinerary should also have price on it... So as far as I know, that e-mail (flight itinerary) will act as a ticket, 收據...
2) They are the local time... Which means the departure time is the local time of the country your fly from, then the arrival time is the local time of the country you arrive at...
3) As I said, just print out that e-mail (flight itinerary) and that will act as your ticket for your whole trip... Which include as a prove of return flight to immgration if necessary, so you wont need to pick up a paper ticket anywhere...
4) No... As I have said, your e-mail (flight itinerary) will act as a ticket already... So you wont need to go and pick one up from the airport or anywhere...
5) As I have said, your e-mail (flight itinerary) should have the ticket price on it... And that will act as a 收據 already... As I also need to claim my flight ticket back, and when I buy a e-ticket, keep the flight itinerary which is as a price of ticket cost... Then just to present your boarding pass as well to prove you flown the trip...
If you have any more questions... Dont feel hesitated to contact me via message or ask more question here...
參考: Personal experience...
2007-03-22 5:35 am

Oasis 是用電子機票的. 你手上面既 confirmation letter 就係機票啦. 帶住佢連埋 passport 就可以上機了. 不用另外換機票的. 收據方面, booking confirmation 上面應該已經列明費用, 可以當成收據了
香港飛倫敦按香港時間, 倫敦回港按倫敦時間. 即是計當地時間
回程亦不用取機票. 只要揸住張 booking confirmation 就可以了
不用呀... booking confirmation 就係機票了.. 你用 e-ticket 唔需要額外取票的
收據方面, booking confirmation 上面應該已經列明費用, 可以當成收據了
2007-03-22 5:09 am
這應該是電子機票, 而不須要去換機票的
這應是當地時間.香港飛是計香港時間, london飛香港係計ondon 時間

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