英 文 作 文 ! 急 ! 十 萬 火 急 ! 1 0 分 !

2007-03-22 2:52 am
要 作 1 篇 英 文 作 文 !

題 目 系 :

中 環 同 西 環 嘅 比 較

吾 該 !

幾 多 字 都 得 ( 最 好 1 5 0 )

文 法 吾 系 好 岩 都 得 !

乜 都 得 ! - 0 -

總 之 作 到 就 得 !

十 萬 火 急 !

明 天 要 !

回答 (2)

2007-03-22 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Central and Western District had always been extremely attractive tourist areas, but their attraction lies in two different regions. Central, with its bustling and hectic atmosphere and numerous high-rise buildings, is the commercial and finance center of Hong Kong. The Bank of China building and the Hang Seng bank buildings had amazed endless passer-bys with their exquisite and complex architectural design; the Legislative Council Building and the Flagstaff House Museum are also priceless historical monuments with elegant arches and graceful columns; and the stunning view at night at the Victoria harbor endorses Hong Kong’s reputation as the “Pearl of the Orient”. Central’s attraction is all about flashy glamour and prestigious extravagance, but the Western District has something warmer and more intimate to offer. In fact, the Western District is quite a colorful area, where Chinese antiques and relics could be found in many shops and markets. This would be the place to go if you are seeking for a unique gift for your family and friends. All kinds of toys and objects could be found here—from furniture and vases from the Ming Dynasty, to Chinese delicacies like bird nests and dried seafood. The main difference lays here: even though Central and Western district are both busy and crowded places, Central shows us how east meets west in Hong Kong and Hong Kong’s potentials in the future, and Western District shows us, the younger generation, how our predecessors have lived in the past.
2007-03-22 5:36 am
你不如上網去搵吓中環同西環有乜嘢可比較, 然後咪將有用既作落去,
最好搵英文版, 唔明就睇咗中文版先啦.....快去....唔好掛住玩呀!

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