我會嘗試用努力來補救我的天資 翻譯成英文

2007-03-21 8:23 pm
我會嘗試用努力來補救我的天資 翻譯成英文

回答 (4)

2007-03-21 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I will try it by making great efforts to make my natural gift up
參考: me
2007-03-22 10:46 pm
I will try it by making great efforts to make my natural gift up Translate it into English like the question
參考: My mind.
2007-03-22 3:09 am
I will try in every effort to remedy the inadequacy of my inborn talent.
2007-03-21 11:34 pm
I will try my best effort to compensate my least intellengence.

Sorry, I added the adj LEAST to describe intellegence.That's why you need to try your best effort to compensate.
參考: SELF

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