
2007-03-21 6:46 pm

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 8:14 pm
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以現在分詞(present participle)形式出現的,用來形容某些人、事或物給人的感覺,通常以 active form 出現。

Word Form: Verbs ending in " - ing "

For example:

Soccer is an INTERESTING sport.
It is a FRIGHTENING dog.
This is a BORING show.

以過去分詞(past participle)形式出現的,只可以用來形容人對某些人、事或物的感受或反應。通常以 passive form 出現,而且有時候接上preposition。

Word Form: Verbs ending in " - ed "

For example:

We are INTERESTED in playing soccer.
Children are FRIGHTENED by the dog.
They are BORED by the show.
2007-03-21 7:13 pm

The book is interesting.
I am interested in reading the book.

John is boring.
I am bored by John.

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