buffer solution

2007-03-21 2:13 pm
點解pH meter要擺響buffer soluions入面去calibrate,而唔用水?

回答 (3)

2007-03-21 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我o岩o岩學buffer solution.
如果put water in the pH meter, it will affect the pH meter when it's measuring something else because the water will react with whatever in pH meter.
A buffer solution do not affect the pH of the solution because it got the conjugate base/acid of the solution that is being test with.
Acid + Water = (H+) + A {HA = H+ + A}
Base + Water = (OH-) + B {HB = OH- + B}

For example: HC2H3O2 + H2O = H+ + C2H3O2

if it's a buffer solution, there is already some C2H3O2 in the solution in the beginning.

HC2H3O2 + H2O = H+ + C2H3O2
Initial 1M 0M 0M 0.5M
Change -X +X +X
Equilibrium -X+1 X X+0.5

if there's C2H3O2 in the solution in the beginning, there will be a lot less H+ being made and so the pH of the solution will only change by a very small ammount
2007-03-21 2:25 pm
因為水唔係neutral ga.....
而buffer soluions 就可以clean up some
and turn it bk to neutral...
hope it helps.....

2007-03-22 07:43:19 補充:
i think danny one is much betteruse his
2007-03-21 2:17 pm
coz the pH of water is not necessarily 7.... therefore buffer solution (usually have a pH of 7) is used-->more accurate

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