"the rest of the english-speaking world" 點解?

2007-03-21 8:32 am
我同我朋友講:no one knows (話呢件事無人會知道)
佢就話:except you and i
and the rest of the english speaking world.

我想請問 "and the rest of the english speaking world" 係咩意思?

另外,我話佢 "You have a star face" (我係想話佢好似電視明星)
跟住佢話:what with five points? 呢句又係咩意思?


回答 (4)

2007-03-21 9:29 am
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... and the rest of the English speaking world
" and the rest of ... " 是口頭英語中常用的,意思是比所說(所例舉)的還多。整句要表達的意思是"包括整個會說英語的世界 "
except you and I ... and the rest of the English speaking world
他似乎想幽默地以 " 除你和我,以及會說英語的人以外 " 來回應你 "No one knows " (沒有人知道),換言之,會說英語的人都知道。

" You have a star face " 是用錯了英語。照字面解," star face " 指 " 星形面孔 " 而非 " 似明星 "。如果你想說 " 你好似電影明星 ", 應該說 " You look like a movie star. "

他回應你的一句,也是要幽你一默 " What! With five points? " , 意思是 " 甚麼!! (我的面)有5個尖角嗎?" 因為一般星星都有5個角。

2007-03-21 10:03 am

你(應該)話:You look like a celebrity
佢(應該係)話:吓? 你話我塊面有5隻角(好像星星咁)?

係呀, 我睇完你英文話佢有star face就肯定你地有誤會...

佢應該係想寫"What? With five points?"
但係外國人online chat時D標點grammar就會亂晒大龍... 睇多D就會慣啦
2007-03-21 9:25 am
"and the rest of the english speaking world" 唔等於 英文世界以外!!!!
the above sentence is used as A PHRASE!! 一句句子...

you: no one knows (無人會知)
ur fd: 除左你同我...仲有其他以英文為主既國家...
other english speaking world, well, for example:: Canada, Australia, England..etc

what with five points就真係唔知喇...

2007-03-21 01:27:54 補充:
no one knows係常用架!!但係如果"no one know"就錯喇~...因為no one is like he/she/it...所以用knowS ga~
參考: me
2007-03-21 8:47 am
no one know唔常用
應該係who know先係常用
and the rest of the english speaking world=英文世界以外
第一,一句野唔會有3個and,句意思就含糊,咁係咪都解expect the rest of the english speaking world.
"what with five points"is certainly wrong!!!
佢應該想問which five points?


2007-03-21 00:48:24 補充:
第二係錯grammar,native speakers都肯定唔知佢up乜

2007-03-22 00:51:12 補充:
re樓下的m03055,你講得岩,的確d外國人online chat會有錯grammar情況出現,但只不過係簡化,意思是一看就明,就好似我地用msn chat d中文超簡單的語言,但如果係有d native 朋友既話,佢地平時講野基本上是無錯grammar,佢地話只不過係d人聽唔到個音先話係錯grammar,仲有,其實我地個'the'字唔洗讀咁大聲

2007-03-22 00:51:27 補充:
除此之外,其實平時佢地寫字有簡寫,eg:thinking--- thinkinsolution----- solutncome with them----- come with'emcome on----- c'mon較常見的是don't,they're,shouldn't

2007-03-22 00:53:01 補充:

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