
2007-03-21 8:21 am


同埋想問下三藩市附近有咩地方值得去玩,我聽人講LA,Las Vegas,San Diego都好玩,但詳細就唔知可以去邊度玩﹖有無local tour﹖住宿有無平地方﹖因為只有weekend時間玩,所以想去d值得去既地方玩多d,請提供一下意見!謝謝!;>


回答 (4)

2007-03-22 6:44 am
If you have a driver licence in Hong Kong, you don't need to have to get a international licence with you. you can drive or rent a car there, be careful, it costs you a lot for insurance because you are foreigners. Be careful, drivers speed here. We drive on opposite.
In around San Francisco. you can go to Great America (一個機動遊戲的park)
and you can go to Reno. and you go to two national park one is call (黃石國家公園)one is call (優山美地國家公園) remenber to read the map carefully. or use GPS on the car.
2007-03-22 2:30 am
We have annual dinner Gift Ticket by Eva Air (Hong Kong/Taiwan/San Franciso)
if you need further information please sent email to my office:
[email protected]

Lucian Chen
2007-03-21 10:04 am
There are only 3 states instead of many. The East is so different from the west. Las Vegas is in Nevada. San Diego is in Southern California. There is a zoo and an aquarium in SD and of casinos in LV. There is a lot of things to do around the city check
with the agents in Chinatown they will tell u what they have for sale. Try to see if there are any place for you to stay around the universities or check the dorm in SFS. Why do
have only weekend for fun hope u are not working. I hope u are not. If u get busted u are dead for good they will deport u and never let u back again

2007-03-21 02:08:36 補充:
the motels are not cheap anymore unless u want to stay in fleabag motel. U have toknow how to read map and really know how to drive long distance.
參考: resident of san francisco
2007-03-21 8:48 am


一般去玩我會在網上訂好租車,三藩市機場取車,到埠自己開車去,去Las Vegas第一次用了7小時(中途餓了就找餐廳吃),Las Vegas除了賭場和show還有"大峽谷","大峽谷"建議跟local tour每家酒店或網上都有,Las Vegas開車去LA,一睹荷李活風采和迪士尼等,再由LA開車去San Diego,那里有海洋公園的,LA開車去San Diego只用了3小時,途中有經過LA的名牌outlet和最近LA,的賭場(不過學生就不要賭了),outlet的東西比百貨公司便宜30%以上,有開車,慢慢買東西,一路找愛吃的餐廳,我覺得比跟團便宜而且車開到哪兒住到哪兒,不用趕時間不用批星戴月去度假.可選香港飛三藩市,租車後,LA機場還車,由LA回港
參考: 我

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