
2007-03-21 8:20 am
想問一問有沒有一些香港認可學位課程 (bachelor), full time 亦可, 1~1.5年可完成. (特別是MARKETING系)

p.s.而本人只有F.7學歷, 4年marketing 經驗, 1年management經驗.

回答 (3)

2007-03-22 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
try HK PolyU SPEED, it is local marketing degree

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations / 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士


Reimbursable courses/programmes (either all or some of the modules within a programme) under Continuing Education Fund

Programme Code

Normal Duration
1.5 years (Full-time) - Programme Code: 84011
3 years (Part-time) - Programme Code: 84014

2007-03-26 00:08:42 補充:
Now, only OUHK distance learning (BBA in marketing) are available.But I suggest you study at PolyU SPEED, may be you can check with SPEED when the course Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations start for application this year. Hope can help you...
2007-03-22 7:45 pm
Nothing. the One year degree program is merely a Top-up degree, that they have already Associate, high-diploma or even professional title such as ACCA etc.

Other one year degree are merely from easy school that with no recognition. for example, the 京槁大學 in Beijing, or Califormal coast Univerisity etc.
2007-03-21 10:05 am
一係你試下搵d 遙距courses
但係記得check真d 學位在香港及國際的認可情況
一般來說, 讀一年至一年半的
通常係文憑或高級文憑, 比較少係學位課程
除非你可以憑工作經驗豁免左部份學分, 變相讀少d 科

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