
2007-03-21 7:40 am
請大家幫幫手,我一d debate既經驗都冇
不過今次仲要做affirmative side既captain tim

motion: using aluminium in making beverage cans is waste of resources

1. 我應該define邊d keywords?
2. 中間我應該講d咩?
briefly講晒d pt出黎?定係詳細咁解釋其中一個pt?
3. 應該點樣做個結尾?
4. 結辯既時候要講乜?

回答 (2)

2007-03-22 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案 should define "waste" and "resources".
2.u should divide the three points between ur teammates! One point for each person!
a) u need to mine a lot of bauxite and silica to make aluminium, and that wastes a lot of fossil fuels which must be burned to release energy to motivate the machines. It is therefore extremely energy-intensive.
~ mining and refining aluminium requires 16 Ls of water per can! this is an extreme waste of resources.
~An MIT study found out that the production of 1 kg of aluminum requires on the order of 12 kg of input materials and 290 MJ of energy
b)aluminium production causes pollution to the environment!
~Gas waste: Hydrogen fluoride gases and particulates, fluorides, alumina, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and volatile organics are produced during aluminium smelting.
~Solid waste: include bauxite-refining waste, called red mud, and reduction waste from spent pot liners. Red mud contains iron, aluminum, silica, calcium and sodium, depending on the ore used.
Also, companies wastes a lot of money in order to handle the waste.
~Chicago Whitemetal Casting uses US$250,000 in ten years to get rid of the gas waste and US$62,000 to get rid of the liquid waste.
c) there are much better alternatives for making beverage cans, like plastic which requires much less energy to produce.
~1 kg of plastic needs only 27-45 MJ of energy to produce.
3. u are the captain, so u should be the one to speak first and at the very last. When you make the opening speech, you should say something like, “Today’s motion is ‘Using aluminium in making beverage cans is a waste of resources’, and we, the affirmative side, strongly support it. (add in definitions of waste and resources) We are going to state three reasons in support of the motion. Firstly, aluminium production is extremely energy-intensive, therefore producers would waste a lot of …”
4. This should be your conclusion. “Therefore, because it wastes money, water, and fossil fuels in its production and the cleaning up of the waste generated during the production of aluminium, and that there are much better alternatives for making beverage cans such as plastic, we think that using aluminium in making beverage cans is a waste of resources.”
5. Yes, usually you would need to rebut. I personally think that the rebuttals would be much more important than your conclusion because your conclusion is something that you could prepare beforehand but you have to rely on your quick-wit and your intelligence for the rebuttals.
2007-03-21 6:19 pm
Debate Format

1. Opening Statement by Theist (20 min.)
2. Opening Statement by Non-Theist (20 min.)
3. Rebuttal by Theist (12 min.)
4. Rebuttal by Non-Theist (12 min.)
5. Moderated Dialogue* (16 min.)
6. Final Statement by Theist (8 min.)
7. Final Statement by Non-Theist (8 min.)


9. Questions from the Audience (30 min.)
Should interest be strong, the moderator may ask the debaters whether they wish to extend the time for the Q&A period beyond 9:30 p.m.

* Moderated Dialogue: The moderator will allow the rebuttal process to continue, asking the debaters to respond to each others' responses. The moderator will seek to maintain a relaxed, cordial mood.

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