想將幾句句子寫成英文短句~應該點寫 ~ 20分 thanks !

2007-03-21 7:23 am

(1) 一個騙子買完野想退錢, 又唔比返件貨人.

(2) 佢既行為有如盜賊.

(3) 收左貨唔滿意就話人地賣假野

(4) e 個唔識貨既人會屈人d貨係假貨

(5) e 個粗鄙既人會令你非常苦惱


回答 (2)

2007-03-21 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
The buyer is asking for a refund, but he refused to return the product.

He is behaving like a thief.

He accuses the seller of selling counterfeit items if he's not satisfied with the product he received.

He accuses the seller of selling counterfeit items because he has no knowledge regarding the product.

This rude person is very frustrating to deal with.
2007-03-21 6:16 pm
(1) 一個騙子買完野想退錢, 又唔比返件貨人.
(1) A crook who asked for refund but refused to return the goods.

(2) 佢既行為有如盜賊
(2) He acted like a robber.

(3) 收左貨唔滿意就話人地賣假野
(3) Accusing the seller of counterfeit when he is not satisfied with the goods received.

(4) e 個唔識貨既人會屈人d貨係假貨
(4) He is ignorant enough to slander others of selling fake goods.

(5) e 個粗鄙既人會令你非常苦惱
(5) This rascal is terribly frustrating.

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