
2007-03-21 6:06 am
細胞是什麼? 細胞的形狀及顏色?細胞會否破壞身體?
身體內有多少細胞? 細胞在身體挪裹?

細胞內是什麼? 細胞是否一個病菌?

回答 (3)

2007-06-15 5:43 am
你話你面對眾多的負評和反對的聲音, 早知今日, 何必當初!

歡迎大家加入我們的聯盟, 一齊對付知識+的壞份子:

2007-03-21 6:33 am
1.Cell 細胞 is the basic unit of a tissue. Same type of cells together form tissues, and different tissues form an organ. Different organs form a body, like our body! There are nerve cells, red blood cells, epidermal (skin) cell, hair follicle cell etc....
2. Viewed under microscope, cell seems to be transparent, but actually they have colours: red blood cells are red, melanin (pigment) cell have many dark granules inside, leaf cells have green granules inside. Onion cells are long, some nerve cells look like stars, some cells have villus (hairs) on the surface, some cells are cubical, some are thin. There are so many funny shapes.
3. Cell is a living thing, it will die, but you cannot say that it destory the body.
4. There are so many so many cells in the body, I don't know how many cells in our body. Remember that a human being has 100000 hairs, this means each person may have 100000 hair follicle cells.
5.Cells are everywhere in your body. As you are touching your hand, you are touching so may cells at the same time. I think you must have eat orange before, you can even see each orange cell by your eyes. Try to count them!

2007-03-20 22:35:36 補充:
病菌 is not classified as cell.
參考: I hope you can understand my English
2007-03-21 6:10 am



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